Aligning Strategy with Employee Values for Improved Organizational Performance

Part 3 of 4 part blog series discussing employee motivational challenges. Tackling strategy, and the corresponding projects, in a manner which fits with the organizations’ larger culture, leads to employees with enthusiasm (and even passion) for their efforts. This is about helping employees feel part of an effort which is bigger than themselves. As aContinue reading “Aligning Strategy with Employee Values for Improved Organizational Performance”

Gaining Employee Buy-In for Improved Organizational Performance

Part 2 of a 4 part blog series discussing the importance of addressing employee motivation for improved organizational performance. This is about establishing a business case for change. Your employees need to understand the importance of the effort at hand in order to buy in. We must craft the focus, direction, and integrated operational driveContinue reading “Gaining Employee Buy-In for Improved Organizational Performance”


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Kevin Anderson, Dr. Organizational Design

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