Go Ahead and “Enable” Your Clients Given All We Have Been Through!

Given the challenges our clients are facing, we should “enable” them to improve #organizational performance.  Yes, I used the word “enable!” I fully recognize that this term is often times seen as a negative.  As in, I “enabled” my dysfunctional cousins to drink themselves silly.”  Not so cool. The type of “enabling” I am talkingContinue reading “Go Ahead and “Enable” Your Clients Given All We Have Been Through!”

How To Create Human Connection During Online Meetings

The #workplace teams I consult with are driving extra hard to perform in this challenging environment.  They stay on task. However, I do get glimpses of stresses around parents’ health concerns, kids online schooling road blocks and other unfathomable challenges around working remotely.  This is unchartered terrain.  As these stresses bleed into our daily work,Continue reading “How To Create Human Connection During Online Meetings”

My New Book: Organization Design Made Easy: Structure, Process and People

If you’re looking for a page turner on organization design, this is it!  I’ve worked on this book for several years drawing on ideas from my consulting work, as well as my amazing peers.  It’s perfect for new and seasoned managers to C-level leaders.  Please write a review of the book and post the linkContinue reading “My New Book: Organization Design Made Easy: Structure, Process and People”

A Response To Our Clients’ Pain: Listen

Our business clients are trying to stay focused on organizational improvement.  However, it is evident that there are bigger forces at work here.  We are all worried about our health and well- being in the face of this world-wide pandemic. As Organizational Development professionals our role is to offer up solutions.  We toss in an approach or a few probingContinue reading “A Response To Our Clients’ Pain: Listen”

The Pandemic: What Are You Learning About Yourself?

This past week I heard a pop psychologist on a talk show say that this pandemic is not happening “to” you, it is happening “for” you. As a result, a useful question is: “What am I learning about myself from this experience?” I am usually a cynic when it comes to Dr. Phil media typesContinue reading “The Pandemic: What Are You Learning About Yourself?”

All The Consulting World’s A Stage

“Great consultants are as much actors as they are fonts of knowledge.” The founder of the consulting firm I had just joined delivered these words to me after my first week on the job. I was initially taken aback. A number of questions rushed to my head. Wasn’t I just hired because of my skillsContinue reading “All The Consulting World’s A Stage”

#Reinvent Yourself At Work Like the #TryGuys

The @TryGuys are four #millenials who have created a media frenzy out of simply trying new things. These millennials are creators of a comedy documentary series that shows them getting outside of their comfort zone. They try just about anything, from watching baby twins for a day to dog sledding in Alaska.  In the process,Continue reading “#Reinvent Yourself At Work Like the #TryGuys”

What Every Organization Design Needs

At the start of a recent organizational design the leader asked me to provide a list of outcomes for the effort. Being a good consultant, I turned the question back on him. I explained that he and his team needed to craft the specific design principles that they hoped to accomplish via our work. TheContinue reading “What Every Organization Design Needs”

Process Mapping – The Key is to Establish Principles

Anyone who has participated in process mapping sessions will tell you how painful these events can be.  It is not uncommon to sequester folks for hundreds of hours and ask them to conduct intense discussions in order to capture the processes for carrying out work.  The author John Green said “The marks humans leave areContinue reading “Process Mapping – The Key is to Establish Principles”

Being in a Thanksgiving Reality Show: The Uber Leadership Development Experience

My family was filmed last weekend for a reality show depicting how American families celebrate Thanksgiving. Since the show was produced by a German pop up museum, I am referring to our experience as the “Uber” leadership development experience. For you non-Germanic folks, Uber means “being a superlative example of its kind or class”. TheContinue reading “Being in a Thanksgiving Reality Show: The Uber Leadership Development Experience”


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